Tips & Tricks

Keep Pets and Kids Safe during Home Remodeling

home remodeling calgary renovations

Amid home remodeling, the safety and well-being of kids and pets should be a high priority. Home renovations can turn your home into a construction site. Be ready to experience some loud noises, messiness, dust, and workers coming in and out. Home renovations can be challenging for families and a running child or pet can cause some potential dangers. There are plenty of things to plan before a big home renovation project, and one important thing is what to do with your pet and kids.

With careful planning and implementing some effective strategies, home renovations can be done safely.

Communicate With Your Family

Communication is the key. Before your home renovations, make sure to sit together, discuss and decide everything regarding who will keep an eye on kids and pets, and which areas are safe to go during construction and which aren’t. Strategize everything prior to the build. Plan a step ahead to avoid confusion when the contractor starts remodeling.

Talk to Your Contractor

A contractor should be aware of his working environment and the people around him. This is why homeowners should introduce their family and furry friends to contractors. Let contractors know how things work, your household’s daily schedule, school timing of kids, office timings, what to expect and what not to. So, when they arrive for remodeling, they will know what to expect and how to act accordingly to the surroundings.

Make Sure To Close Off the Construction Area

Home renovations may involve some hazards and risks. The best way to ensure kids’ safety is to section off the areas and create a no-go zone where only family is allowed to enter but the renovation crew can’t. Keep children and pets far from the work-zone area. Build boundaries around the construction/renovation site with yellow tape. Make sure children know that this yellow tape area is off-limits, but if your kids are curious, maybe it’s better to use hanging plastic sheeting or child-safety sturdy gates to completely corner off the working site. Teach your kids to avoid touching the building tools and materials. There are dangers associated with almost all tools. Therefore, ask your contractors to take care of their tools and avoid accidentally leaving tools around the house, particularly those items that pose a serious threat like saws and utility knives. 

Likewise, you should designate a safe place for pets too. Build gates where possible and if not, be certain to keep them in a safe zone whether be a familiar closed room, crate,  fenced dog run, or backyard. Another option is to block the pet’s view of the work. Even, if the working zone is shut off, never leave the pets at home unsupervised. For days when more hazardous and risky work is likely to happen, take the family out of the house for the day.

Maintain Your Routine

With all the changes going on, it is still possible to maintain regular activities. The fact that kids and pets need to adapt to the changing environment is important. Find alternative ways to keep their usual tasks running. While home remodeling, stick to child’s feeding schedules, be sure to provide their favorite toys and keep up with the pet’s normal exercise routine. The reason both children and pets like having a routine because it makes them feel secure.

Hire a Professional Remodeling Contractor

Lifestyle Renovations are contractors who have been providing their services for years. They have a reputable background and plenty of amazing testimonials. Once you hire your professional contractor, make sure to have a discussion with them regarding the home remodeling project and read the fine print thoroughly of the contract.

Get Pets Microchipped

As an option, you can inject (or maybe you have already) a microchip inside your pets to keep them safe. Before construction starts, it may be a good idea to have all your pets microchipped. This is because cats and dogs are more likely to run away while construction is being completed. Also, homeowners should never underestimate the power of old-school collars and tags with their name, address, and cellphone. This could be quite helpful in case they don’t know how to get back home.

Plan to Go Outdoors

To constantly deal with loud noises and dust is no easy task. Try to get out of the house and be sure to plan some outings to get fresh air and exercise. It could be a picnic in a beautiful natural scenery spot or a visit to Dog Park. Regardless of where you decide to go, remember it’s essential for everyone’s mental stability and lets everyone de-stress and unwind.

Make Sure To Perform a Thorough Cleaning After Remodeling

As soon as your home remodeling project comes to an end, make sure to give a thorough clean of your home inside out. Ventilate those areas that went through construction and sanitize everything including surfaces. Cleanliness matters the most for the safety of both kids and pets. Therefore, before you decide to move back to your renovated home, perform deep cleaning.  


To receive a better outcome, make sure to hire a contractor who knows how to renovate your home safely in any situation. Contact us today!


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