Tips & Tricks, Other Projects

Tips on House Mold Prevention

mold prevention

The word mold can make most people cringe. Mold can grow just about anywhere, including carpets, food, clothing, and paper. The growth can even be in places that you are not able to see, such as the area inside walls or leaks in pipes. The key to mold prevention is simple – moisture control.

A costly problem

Did you know that mold is allergenic, irrespective of the type it is? Although it is true that all kinds of mold are not toxic, they can still be problematic in an indoor setting. Mold can lead to allergic reactions and can also be a reason for asthma attacks and other respiratory problems.

Once you have a mold problem in your house, it can be quite costly to fix it therefore you must make mold prevention a top priority.

How to prevent the growth of mold

Mold requires three things for its growth. These include spores, organic food sources, and moisture. Air always contains spores, and the food source could even be dust. It is primarily moisture that you can restrict to prevent the growth of mold.

The first step in mold prevention is finding out the cause behind its growth. You can then act accordingly. If you find mold growing on walls, you need to find out what is leading to it. Is it because of excess liquid? If this is the case, all the pipes should be checked for any issues.

Determining the problem at the earlier stage will make it easier for you to repair it. It will also prove to be cost-effective in the long run in preventing further damage. Let us provide you with some tips that can be crucial in mold prevention.

Do not leave wet areas for long

Moisture is vital for the growth of mold. Therefore, if you want to prevent the growth of mold, you need to get rid of the wet areas promptly. Perhaps your basement has seepage following heavy rainfall or there is a spill on the carpet. Whatever it is, you need to make sure that the area is dried within 48 hours. Remove water-damaged items if they are not adequately dried.

Avoid leaving wet items around and make it a point to dry the walls and floors after you take a shower. Wet clothes should not be left in the washing machine for long, either. Make sure that you hang them out to dry at the earliest.

Keep humidity levels in check with adequate ventilation

Even routine household activities can lead to the growth of mold. To prevent this, you need to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation in your house in areas like the bathroom, laundry room, and kitchen.

You can also use dehumidifiers to make sure that the humidity levels in your house do not rise significantly to pose problems. Opening a window while cooking or washing dishes is advisable. You can also use an exhaust fan. These simple measures will make sure that moisture is not held inside your home for long.

Use mold-resistant products

It is a great idea to use as many mold-resistant products as possible in your house. Mold-resistant drywall and paints with mold inhibitors can save you from a lot of problems. Mold-resistant drywall does not comprise of paper and is water-resistant as well.

Thus, it would be excellent for mold prevention if you have moisture-resistant drywalls in those areas of your house that are prone to wetness like basement, laundry room, and kitchen. This is something that you need to think about when you are building your home or renovating it.

Keep an eye on humidity levels

It is recommended that humidity levels indoors should be kept between 30 and 60%. Humidity can be measured using a moisture meter, which is readily available in stores. You can also get some idea of humidity levels rising in your home by looking for some signs such as condensation around pipes, walls, and windows.

If you notice humidity level rising in your house, act quickly to find out the source and rectify it. Something as simple as opening a window might do the trick.

Keep water away from your house

It is essential to make sure that water does not find its way into your home. Sometimes, the ground around the house is not sloped away properly from the foundation. As a result, water collects and seeps into the basement.

You need to make sure that water is directed away from your house. Therefore, a proper drainage system is mandatory if you do not want to deal with the problem of mold in your home.

Maintenance of home

You need to make sure that you pay adequate attention to the upkeep of your house. The roof gutters need to be cleaned or repaired on time. Similarly, you need to tackle any cracks in the walls as soon as possible.

Keep your eyes open for any signs of water accumulation and deal with the cause right away so that you do not end up with a big problem at your hands.

Final words

When we talk about mold prevention, it is the simple measures that count. However, if you do not think about preventing the growth of mold at the right time, it may be very expensive down the road.

Therefore, make sure that your house is well-protected against the growth of mold and take measures when the time is right to prevent things from getting out of hand.

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